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MEDIA RELEASE - August 11th, 2023


With polling day (August 14, 2023) fast approaching, the Council acknowledges that there were several lapses and violations of the Code of Ethical Political Conduct, the most common indiscretion of which lay with the use of language which, at times, bordered on promoting divisiveness and even encouraging hatred, violence and resentment. Alongside the challenge of appropriate language, there were instances where respect, tolerance, peace and harmony were not always upheld. Be that as it may, the campaign thus far has been largely peaceful. As the campaign comes to an end, it can only be expected that all parties would continue to abide by the commitments they made when they signed the Code.

We restate some of these commitments of all parties hereunder:

  • Uphold the Constitution and the spirit and letter of the laws relating to the holding of public activities and election campaigns.

  • Maintain the highest moral principles and ethical standards with respect to their conduct during the campaign, the elections and the post-election period.

  • Cooperate with the police in maintaining law and order during election campaigns.

  • Promote and enforce respect, tolerance, harmony and peace amongst their supporters in the remaining hours before the poll, as well as on election day and in the post-election period.

  • Refrain from practices that promote divisiveness in the Society and commit to the removal of any structures (behavioural, cultural, social or organizational) which reinforce divisiveness.

  • Take deliberate steps to publicly disassociate themselves from criminal elements and criminal activity.

Alongside the commitments, the Code also spells out certain types of conduct which are deemed prohibited. Again, as we approach election day, the Council would like to underscore some behaviour and practices which should be avoided. Amongst these are:

  • Not offer any inducement or reward, for example money, groceries or other benefits, to another person to vote or not to vote, or to vote or not to vote in any particular way

  • Not discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, class, religion or belief, or seek to mobilize support by reference to race, sex, gender, religion or class.

  • Not make false or defamatory allegations in print or speech in connection with an election in respect of a Party, its Candidates, representatives or members.

  • Not use language or act in a way that may provoke violence; or intimidate Candidates, members of Parties, representatives or supporters of Parties or Candidates, or voters; or invite, encourage or foster hatred, resentment or any form of violence.

  • Not seek to assassinate the character of or make defamatory comments about any individual, family, professional group or section of the community.

  • Not deface, or induce anyone to unlawfully remove or destroy, or deface the billboards, placards, posters or any other election materials of a Party or Candidate.


The Council would also like to stress that there should be no harassment or intimidation and public and private property must be respected. Once prohibited conduct is avoided, the election will be conducted in a manner of which we will all be proud.


Like in every contest, there will emerge winners and losers and while the winners will celebrate, they should ensure that their victory celebrations are tempered so as to ensure that on the morning of August 15, 2023, all citizens, winners, as well as losers, will hold their heads high in consideration of a well fought election. Acknowledging that we will all continue to live in our common space, let us ensure that we live in peace and harmony.


The work of the Council continues beyond this election as we prepare for a general election, due in 2025. Cognizant of some of the violations to the Code as occurred in this campaign, the Council will embark upon an education drive on the Code of Ethical Political Conduct and the responsibilities of Political parties, Leaders, and supporters. The Council will seek the support of the national community in this drive. In this regard, the Council takes this opportunity to extend its thanks to the media which supported the work of the Council in disseminating information of the Code and the Council, as well as the findings of the Council as they relate to adherence to the Code. It is only with such support, leading to a combined effort, that the ethical standards of Trinidad and Tobago’s democratic traditions will be enhanced and strengthened.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Council,

Leela Ramdeen,


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